

A Rush of Hope

As Christian Thinkers, we are called to be the people who bring HOPE! No matter what challenges we face, hope is on our side because we serve Jesus Christ. I love constantly resourcing you with ways to be a Christian Thinker, which includes creative ways to spread the love of Jesus Christ in your community. For the first time in 30 years my friend, Pastor Greg Laurie, was not able [...]

2020-09-16T18:51:08-06:00September 4, 2020|

They’re coming for our kids and grandkids (and a personal update)

Four years ago today our triplets finally graduated from seven weeks in the NICU and spent their first night at home! The photo above was the first Audrey took with all five children where the triplets were not connected to monitors, feeding tubes, or in their isolettes. Once they could "suck, swallow, and breath" at the same time, we were home [...]

2020-08-31T08:09:57-06:00August 24, 2020|

Do you think Christianly? 

Not sure why Wallmart is misspelled in this meme? Is a 'Christian Thinker' an oxymoron? Well, for some the descriptor may be correct. Dear , Far too many Christians are soft targets for the ebbs and flows of cultural narrative and misinformation. Being a Christian in today’s context requires some conviction and courage so it’s not just a cultural Christianity. Christianity is [...]

2020-08-10T14:22:14-06:00August 10, 2020|

When Common Sense is No Longer Common

What do we do when "common sense" ceases to be "common"? Are you awake? Or are you allowing the drifting cultural narrative to lull you to sleep? Do you allow the media to inform, or worse, influence your worldview? With the points I share in this update, I wonder why common sense has disappeared. Are you committed to being a "Christan [...]

2020-07-29T07:56:27-06:00July 29, 2020|

Billy Graham Encouragement

Watch this clip right now. You can share it, too. Truth never changes. - Jeremiah and Audrey Johnston Dear friend, Since Hurricane Harvey, I use twitter to stay current with the news and try to retweet our Fort Bend County officials (here in Houston, TX), where possible. I watched this exceptional clip from Billy Graham via twitter. It is 50 seconds worth [...]

2020-08-31T08:29:13-06:00March 20, 2020|

The Ultimate Impact of Christianity

  Many have heard of the term "Defender of the Faith," but what does this truly mean? We may each have a different answer for this but many of us would not know how to live this out in our lives. John Dickerson, a prize-winning journalist and author of Jesus Skeptic, equips Christians to go into conversations surrounding their faith [...]

2020-01-15T12:22:45-06:00January 4, 2020|


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