The Jeremiah Johnston Show Podcast

The Ultimate Impact of Christianity

  Many have heard of the term "Defender of the Faith," but what does this truly mean? We may each have a different answer for this but many of us would not know how to live this out in our lives. John Dickerson, a prize-winning journalist and author of Jesus Skeptic, equips Christians to go into conversations surrounding their faith [...]

2020-01-15T12:22:45-06:00January 4, 2020|

Being a Man of God in the Modern World

  The definition of what it means to be a man has changed immensely in our society over the years, especially as of late. Depending on who you ask, this answer can include a lot of different expectations and opinions. Dave Willis, relationship coach, author of Raising Boys Who Respect Girls and television host for MarriageToday, dives deep into the struggles [...]

2020-01-15T13:07:29-06:00December 28, 2019|

Discovering Saint Nick

  During this Christmas season, some may ponder the thought "Where did the term Santa Claus come from?" Then some may even try to draw a correlation from the process of giving gifts, to Christianity. Dr. Adam English, Professor of Christian Theology and Philosophy at Campbell University, shares how his research has revealed to many who the real Saint Nicholas was. [...]

2020-01-15T12:57:02-06:00December 21, 2019|

Trusting God’s Promises in All Circumstances

  There are times when we find ourselves questioning God's plan for our lives when we can't seem to make sense of what is happening to us. His plan for our lives will often not unfold how we originally imagined or wished for it to, so we must trust in His divine providence even when the road becomes difficult. Dr. Michael [...]

2020-01-15T12:50:34-06:00December 14, 2019|

The Importance of the Pro-Life Movement

  The discussion surrounding abortion is as alive as it's ever been. The time is now for Christians to step up and unapologetically stand behind the pro-life movement. Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List, address the importance of getting into the thick of this conversation and together with Jeremiah looks at what the Bible says when it comes to [...]

2020-01-15T12:40:25-06:00December 7, 2019|

Discussing Depression for a Ray of Hope

  You know someone who is struggling with depression and anxiety. It's not a sin nor something we need to be ashamed of. We can only address the problem though open discussion and to help us we are joined by Dr. Gregory Jantz, here to bring hope and immediate steps. If you’re not personally struggling with negative emotions, you probably [...]

2020-01-15T10:29:30-06:00November 30, 2019|

Your Unanswered Questions: Part 2

  Professor Craig Evans joins us in answering your collection of sent in questions and ones we have gathered at Christian Thinkers Society events. We continue to discuss Biblical archeology, the historicity of Jesus, the crucifixion, resurrection, and more. How often do you give thanks, and in what situations? Dr. Jeremiah Johnston says being thankful should be habitual for Christians. [...]

2019-12-04T12:07:58-06:00November 23, 2019|

Your Unanswered Questions: Part 1

  Answering your questions on Biblical archaeology, the historicity of Jesus, the crucifixion, resurrection, and more with Professor Craig Evans. In this collection of questions you have sent in to the show and gathered at Christian Thinkers Society events. No matter how much you know about Christianity or how long you’ve adhered to the faith, you should remain inquisitive and [...]

2019-11-20T09:55:13-06:00November 16, 2019|

The Infancy Narrative and Unlikely Characters

  Danial Darling discusses the group of misfits, societal outcasts, and overlooked characters in the Nativity story. God used each one of them for his divine plan and why is worth thinking about more than once a year. A look at Daniel's new book "The Characters of Christmas." Daniel Darling has authored books on practical faith and relatable theological issues. [...]

2019-11-06T10:29:04-06:00November 2, 2019|

The Power of the Gospel

  With a vision for 1000 church plants, we talk to JD Greear about the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of The Summit Church, and suggests the key to our christian lives is a 24/7 lifestyle we need to embody. Dr. Jeremiah Johnston introduces pastor, author, and [...]

2019-11-06T10:14:56-06:00October 26, 2019|

Why God Loves Cities and What it Means For You

  People are looking for interactive compassionate community members. Chris Brooks, host of the Equipped with Chris Brooks radio show, discusses what it looks like for us to embody faith and live out the implications of the Gospel in front of a watching world. The Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28:16-20 means being around people is necessary, points out guest [...]

2020-01-15T10:21:50-06:00October 19, 2019|

Finding Your Calling with the Kendrick Brothers

  How did film directors Stephen and Alex Kendrick find there calling? A great discussion answering your questions as well as what God has called them to do and where their journey has brought them. The Kendrick brothers discuss their latest film, “Overcomer,” and their path to becoming celebrated filmmakers with Dr. Jeremiah Johnston. Stephen and Alex Kendrick began their [...]

2019-10-23T09:15:54-06:00October 12, 2019|


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