Jeremiah Johnston

Jeremiah J. Johnston

President and Founder

Craig Evans

Craig A. Evans

Director of Strategic Studies and CTS Fellows program

Vision, Mission, Strategy and Core Message

Teaching Pastors and Christians How to Become Thinkers & Thinkers How to Become Christians


The mission of Christian Thinkers Society is to teach Christians to become Thinkers and Thinkers to Become Christians: (i) for Pastors and Believers to equip, train and educate Christians to respond in an informed and defensible manner regarding the core truths that are at the heart of the Christian faith; (ii) and for the Thinker our purpose is to reach a new demographic and demonstrate why Christianity makes sense, is enriching to life, and why it is essential for the betterment of society.

Vision Statements

In an age of acute biblical illiteracy, the Christian Thinkers Society’s vision with Jeremiah Johnston, Ph.D., is to lead the vanguard of a new movement that will have a notable impact on the shape of contemporary Christianity by providing the essential training to transform and enrich believers, Christian leaders, and pastors who will be characterized by a thinking faith, capable to communicate confidently, and committed to escape the tendency to offer trite answers to a skeptical world