I was recently a guest on Chris Fabry Live with special guest host Susie Larson on Moody Radio

Talking about Unimaginable on Moody Radio In this episode of Chris Fabry Live, Guest Host Susie Larson and I discuss the culture-shaping influence of Christ and Christendom. Listen Now I have always enjoyed talking to Chris about the state of biblical illiteracy in the Church today. Listen to this 2016 video from Chris Faby LIVE on Moody Radio.  

2018-07-05T16:15:09-06:00July 5, 2018|

God Bless America!

What a difference a year makes!!! My dear sweet Audrey posted some pictures on Social Media that show how much our 5 beautiful children have grown in a years time. What a difference a year makes!!! ❤???? God Bless America ?????????? Lily Faith & Justin, Ryder, Abel, Jaxson #oneyearlater #happy4thofjuly #july4th #GodBlessAmerica A post shared by Audrey Johnston (@audreylynnj) on [...]

2018-07-06T02:52:00-06:00July 5, 2018|

Watch Unanswered Event at Oasis Church LIVE

Unanswered Event Promo for Oasis Church https://youtu.be/ANbQA8S_8hg Watch the Event Live at this https://visitoasis.churchonline.org/ Photos of Oasis Church for the CTS Unanswered Event Upcoming Christian Thinkers Society Events April 10-11YPS Student Leadership University Prestonwood Baptist - 700 Youth Pastors - Dallas Texas April 14-15 Boston, MA 200 pastors for annual appreciation dinner - the theme is the need for Christian Unity. Sunday am multiple churches [...]

2018-04-09T00:48:20-06:00April 8, 2018|
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