#CancelNetflix – When you cancel be sure to check the “Other” box and share why … “We don’t support pedophiles” or “We don’t support child pornography”

Netflix has lost over $9 billion in market value since the #CancelNetflix hashtag went viral.

We have been Netflix subscribers since 2012. We canceled our subscription today. #CancelNetflix has been trending for days on twitter. If you are wondering why we canceled our Netflix subscription, I encourage you to read my full call to action newsletter from August 23rd “They’re coming for our kids”

Netflix has more than 182 million subscribers and added an additional 16 million subscribers during the pandemic.

Child exploitation is not okay.

Here is the link to cancel Netflix: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/407

In my email from August 23rd (linked here, again), I offer some important protection suggestions for your family.

One word of warning: we must do more than cancel. We have to train our children and grandchildren to have a biblical worldview. Therefore, it is equally important to discuss why we stand for absolute truth and biblical values. Why we do not have to give into cultural pressure. Why we cannot be silent.

Jeremiah J. Johnston, Ph.D.

49 days until the election … did you know 1 in 4 Christians are not registered to vote? I am grateful for “My Faith Votes” 

National Voter Registration Sunday is just five days away. This Sunday, September 20, 2020, churches across the country will encourage their congregations to register and prepare to vote.

You can access all the free non-partisan materials for your church to participate in National Voter Registration Sunday with a virtual or in-person voter drive here.

One of the most requested My Faith Votes resources every election year is their Party Platform Guide. Please check it out and vote your faith!