Dr. Ronnie Floyd and Dr. Jeremiah Johnston discuss the importance of prayer and individual relationships with God. “The country is broken because families are broken. Relationships are broken because we’re individually broken,” Floyd says. “We really have to take this on spiritually.”
In his latest book, “Living Fit: Make Your Life Count By Pursuing a Healthy You,” Floyd explores what he calls the five gauges of life: spiritual, physical, relational, financial and emotional. “We need to deal with the gauges and not wait until they are off,” he says. “We need to look at them every day.”
A key part of maintaining health is to know the Word of God, Johnston says.
Philippians 2:5 “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”
Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
“There is psychological warfare and there is a battle raging for your mind,” Johnston says. “So many of the devil’s schemes are when the enemy plants thoughts in our minds that do not square with who we know we are in Christ. I can’t know the mind of Christ without knowing the Word of God.”
Floyd affirms the centrality of Scripture. “Begin your day with God,” he says. “That is the most valuable thing you can do in your life spiritually. God shows you brand new things all the time. The more I’m in His Word, the more I hear His voice.”
Knowing the Bible helps a person filter through things in culture such a horoscopes, haunted houses and psychics, Johnston says. He answers a mother’s question who inquires if it’s okay for her daughter to read a horoscope. Again, Johnston iterates that a person should consult God’s word for its precious promises.
Daniel says through AskJJJ.com that he doesn’t feel saved. In reply, Johnston gives the wisdom that feelings are a dangerous barometer. Again, believing in the promises of God’s Word becomes the answer.
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is senior pastor of Cross Church in northwest Arkansas. He has served as a strategic leader in the Southern Baptist Convention for decades. In 2017, Dr. Floyd was named the president of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. He has authored books that marry faith and practicality, including the recent, “Living Fit: Make Your Life Count By Pursuing a Healthy You.”