UnAnswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions

When it comes to faith, sometimes it can be tough to get answers to our questions. Far too often, these are questions that people are afraid to ask. Perhaps they’re too embarrassed, or fear that there might not be an answer. And so we end up with these deeply personal questions that go...unanswered. After receiving over 4,000 questions at our [...]

2015-09-30T13:48:43-06:00April 30, 2015|


Teaching Christians to Become Thinkers and Thinkers to Become Christians TOP 5 CTS NEWS STORIES   Dear Friend, We have some important updates to share with you regarding Christian Thinkers Society events and specifically, CTS Trustee and Fellow, Dr. Craig Evans, and an update on my project with LifeWay publishing. We share these events, past and future, because it is important for you to know [...]

2015-12-14T10:41:46-06:00March 16, 2015|

The Power of a Question

www.ChristianThinkers.com Christian Thinkers Society is a Resident Institute of Houston Baptist University Teaching Christians to Become Thinkers and Thinkers to Become Christians 8019 W. GRANDPKWY S STE #1060-416 Richmond, Texas 77407 © 2015 Christian Thinkers Society Unsubscribe

2015-12-14T10:51:34-06:00March 2, 2015|

House of Answers

 The Interview with William Lane Craig "There is a renaissance of Christian thought going on in our day and age. Philosophers over the lasts     50 years have been coming out of the closet and defending the Christian worldview with sophisticated arguments in the finest academic presses, learned societies and professional journals.” - WLC       Christian Thinkers Society [...]

2015-12-14T11:16:31-06:00March 1, 2015|

Recently at Christian Thinkers Society

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!” Exodus 14:15   Teaching Christians to become thinkers and engage their communities . . . Christian Thinkers Society is moving forward in our mission in 2015 with projects that are worthy of your support, prayer and participation. Have you noticed how [...]

2015-12-14T11:28:17-06:00February 6, 2015|
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