The story of the fallen angel, Lucifer, who set out on a path of rebellion against God, is central in Genesis and Revelation, book-ending the Bible. Dr. Jeremiah Johnston explores the antagonist of the Christian faith.
“If you’re a follower of Jesus, you’re in a battle,” Johnston says. “No one wants to be in a battle, but let’s face it, as Christians, we’re in a spiritual battle.”
Revelation 12 describes Satan as a dragon, a serpent, as an accuser, as the devil, and as someone who leads the whole world astray. 2 Corinthians 11:14 describes Satan as a being who masquerades as an angel of light. John 8:44 says he was a murderer from the beginning and a liar. In John 10:10, Jesus describes the devil as a thief who steals, kills, and destroys.
Thankfully, believers know that Satan is a defeated foe whom God threw out of heaven and whom Jesus conquered. The Bible promises in James 4:7 that if Christians submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee. Furthermore, the devil’s accusations against believers are countered by God’s grace because there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus Christ (Romans 8:1).
During his earthly ministry, Jesus encountered and healed the demonically possessed. His ability to exorcise became well-known in the region. “It was known that if you invoked the name of Jesus, the demons ran,” Johnston explains.
I John 4:4 further illuminates the victory over darkness Christians have because of Jesus: “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
While Scripture records that Jesus was tempted by Satan, Jesus overcame the trials. “Anytime you move for God in your life, anytime you take a step of faith, reach someone, or shine the light of Jesus Christ, you can immediately expect demonic opposition. Spiritual attacks are going to come, but we can be victorious. Make sure you pray, study Scripture, and never forget who you are in Christ,” Johnston advises.