– Many Christians Do Not Feel Resourced –
After ten years of serving as the teaching pastor of a mega church,
I noticed we had sincere Christians attending church services weekly,
listening to sermon after sermon, and yet they still did not possess the
confidence to answer the tough questions being asked about Christianity. Most churches rarely address the tough questions plaguing the minds and hearts of their own congregants.
Many believers struggle with their own “big questions” about
faith and don’t know where to turn for answers. Some are turning
away from their faith all together.
These questions can be so complex and difficult that sincere people
do not even know where to begin. We need informed answers for the
UnAnswered questions in all of our churches. Unfortunately, many Christians do not feel resourced or equipped to answer the questions people are asking in their own Bible studies. I have taught theological grad students who were uncertain whether it was Billy Graham or Mother Teresa who taught the Sermon on the Mount. So perhaps you understand why I am thrilled about the release of my new book Unanswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions (in stores on November! I hope you will take a moment and download Chapter 1 “Questions Have Power.” – Jeremiah
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Watch Jeremiah answer questions from the Lanier Theological Libraryabout Unanswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions
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