Includes a small-group experience for six sessions, individual study opportunities for each day of the week, applicable Scripture, “How To Use This Study,” and a group discussion guide. Back matter includes tips for a group leader. We live in a radically skeptical age. Tough questions are being asked about Christianity. And most believers are ill-equipped to provide the answers our culture and communities desperately need. Many in today’s church do not know the Bible as well as they should and they struggle with their own “big questions” about the faith.
AVAILABLE MARCH 2023! CURRENTLY ACCEPTING PRE-ORDERS. YOUR ORDER WILL SHIP OUT ONCE THEY ARE AVAILABLE. Culture is doing its best to convince the world there is nothing special about Jesus. And many Christians never get beyond a Sunday school understanding of their own faith. As a result, Christianity’s most important historical fact—the resurrection—is often the most misunderstood, relegated to Easter and funeral services, creating a powerless Christianity. In Body of Proof, acclaimed apologist and scholar Dr. Jeremiah Johnston sets out to show why Jesus’ victory over death is central to a believer’s faith. Straightforward, accessible, and practical, this book examines the latest archaeological and textual findings and presents seven tangible, fresh reasons to believe Jesus really rose from the dead—and why it matters today as the foundation of our hope in the face of suffering and grief. When you fully understand the implications of the resurrection, you will begin to understand the power of Christ in you. This changes everything.
Have you ever been attacked for your beliefs? Been told that Christianity does more harm than good? In this provocative book, Jeremiah Johnston equips you to answer doubters with an encouraging look at the positive influence of Christianity. In Unimaginable, you’ll discover the far-reaching ways that Christianity is good for the world—and has been since the first century AD—including its impact on the plight of women and children, democracy, education, legal systems, and social justice causes.
Overview Body of Proof Bible Study Book with Video Access includes printed content for four sessions, a leader guide, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” tips for leading a group, and more. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access free teaching videos for each session.
Answers to Tough Questions Bible Study Kit includes a Bible Study Book and one DVD (all videos have download codes for your computer/smartphone) with promotional material and six fifteen-minute video teaching sessions featuring author, Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston. The Bible Study Kit also includes codes for access to digital video downloads and additional resources through Wordsearch Bible. Many Christians consider apologetics (the study and practice of defending the faith) a discipline reserved for people in academic circles, but all followers of Christ should carefully consider why they believe what they believe. In a culture that says all beliefs are equally valid, it’s critical that we recognize the dangerous delusion of that idea and equip ourselves to speak with confidence about biblical truth. Examining the six questions in this study will move Christians beyond the cultural norm of “This is what I think” to the truth that compels others to believe.
People investigating the Christian faith are often stopped short by searing questions— the same questions that most believers also struggle with. Unanswered gives you information, insight, and confidence to help your friend or loved one discover God’s divine tapestry for good in life’s bleakest moments! You will discover priceless confidence and peace in your own circumstances through this critical book tour.
Jeremiah Johnston and Craig Evans, leading biblical scholars, present Jesus and the Jihadis, your go-to-guide for understanding ISIS’ distorted theology and answering your questions about Islam and Muhammad. You will be informed on how ISIS’ terrorist acts and persecution impact your life and faith today.
God's peace, his shalom, can penetrate every aspect of your life--spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Although the word shalom appears 550 times in the Scriptures and was a constant theme in Jesus' teachings, it is a neglected topic today. As a result, God's peace has been elusive to so many followers of Jesus. This book charts a course of shalom for you!
*Unimaginable will be automatically added to your cart once 2 or more copies of Unleashing Peace are added.
Includes a Bible Study Book and two DVDs featuring a promotional video and six 20-minute teaching sessions led by author Jeremiah Johnston. We live in a radically skeptical age. Tough questions are being asked about Christianity. And most believers are ill-equipped to provide the answers our culture and communities desperately need. Many in today's church do not know the Bible as well as they should and they struggle with their own "big questions" about the faith.
Learn What God's Word Says About How Believers Are Protected and Equipped. The Dark Side Leader Kit includes a Bible Study Book and DVD with six short teaching videos, promotional videos, and promotional tools such as PowerPoint® slides, web banners, and leader articles. Kit also includes leader guide with commentary. Evil is no illusion. While it can certainly reside in the hearts of people, such evil is most clearly seen in the one who seeks to inspire it: Satan. Whenever we engage in spiritual battle, whether our struggle is with demons, the paranormal, or fear, we need to pray and express our faith in the One with all the power. Only prayer moves us from relying on our own strengths (which are actually weaknesses) and trusting the all-powerful God. He provides us with spiritual armor and a battle plan because He desires to set us free. (6 sessions)