Our Articles of Incorporation clearly states our purpose:
The mission of Christian Thinkers Society is to teach Christians to become Thinkers and Thinkers to Become Christians: (i) for the church - to equip, train and educate Christians to speak in an informed and responsible way about the deep truths that are at the heart of the Christian faith by exposure to the abundance of evidences — through surveying the excavation and study of the remains of material culture from the world of Jesus and correlating what we discover with relevant written records — which will lead to a new vanguard within the church creating a robust and academically rigorous apologetic that will counteract the acute biblical illiteracy plaguing the modem church; (ii) and for the Thinker — our purpose is to demonstrate why Christianity makes sense, is relevant to life, why it is important, if not essential, for the betterment of society; that is to say, ensuring that the Christian faith answers the questions our culture is asking about our faith.
Christian Thinkers Society is a Tennessee non-profit organization and IRS Federally recognized 501(c)(3) with a mission to reach the world by seeing the great commandment declared in Matthew 22:37 fulfilled by the people of God.