Learning to manage money well starts with understanding that you are a manager rather than an owner, says Christian financial expert Chris Brown. “We have all of these messages coming at us: ‘buy this, do this, go here, and then you’ll be happy,’” he says. “The biblical way of looking at finances is completely the opposite – it’s from a heart of gratitude.”
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it…” Psalm 24:1
“Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” I Corinthians 4:2
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
“It’s all God’s, and He trusts us enough to manage His stuff,” Brown says. “If that really penetrates our heart, we’ll find ourselves handling money God’s way. People will avoid debt, save and budget.”
Giving becomes a privilege to a heart that is surrendered to God. Even young children can learn important, biblical, financial principles including tithing and saving. Whether it’s a piggy bank for younger kids or family financial planning sessions for older children, youth can get an early grasp on the importance of good stewardship.
For married couples, budgeting conversations can be more than a necessary talk. Instead, couples can approach budgeting as vision-casting to determine what they dream of for future outcomes. The main thing for each person, whether in leadership or in personal financial situations, is to not avoid examining one’s finances. The Church should be a source of help for each area of life, including money management.
Johnston urges a teenager who submitted a question to use Scripture as medicine in each life situation. “There are 7,487 promises in God’s Word, so you’re not going to run out of promises to meditate on,” he says. “There is so much hope in the Christian life.”
Chris Brown uses his experience as a speaker, pastor and a financial expert to minister to Christians. He is affiliated with Dave Ramsey.